Zoology department was established in the year 1962. Smt K. Nirmala Rao was Head of the Department from 1969 to 1976. Smt P.V. Ramadevi was In-Charge of the Department from 1976 to1978. April 1980 to September 1080 & 1993 to 1998.Sri. M. Vilayat Ahmad was In-Charge of the Department from 1978 to1980, 1992 to 1993. Sri. K.Nagesara Rao was In-Charge of Zoology Department from 1980 to 1988.Smt. Hema valli was In-Charge of the Department from September 1988 to January 1989 & 1998 to till Date. Sri Ch. Raghavachari was In-Charge of the Department from 1989 to 1992.


Department of Zoology offers the Courses B.Sc at Undergraduate level with combination of Zoology, Botany & Chemistry in Telugu Medium. The Zoology
Department offered Zoology main in English & Telugu Medium upto 1988.


We follow the Andhra University Examination pattern, as the College is affiliated to Andhra University, We offer Applied zoologyunder Paper-IV as Special Paper for III B.Sc B.Z.C Students. Andhra University conduct Practical Examinations to Students at the end of 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Year.


Students are encouraged to participate in Group Discussions , Seminars, Quiz Programmes and  Debate Competitions conducted by the Department. Periodically conducts Unit Tests, Assignments and  Remedial Coaching classes are engaged after identifying the Student with low performance. Zoology Department got good result during 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 years.


Zoology Department Staff members are motivating this progress of the students by acting as Student Counselors. Field Trips are Organized every year. We take Students to visit Clinical-Labs to get more information  in Clinical-Science Practical.  


Department library has Reference Books , Text-Books Question Banks for Students and also Reference Books for  S.C, S.T Students.


Teaching practices involved using Bio-Visual Charts, Museum Specimens, Permanent Micro Slides and Over Head Projector transparencies.

 The Department of Zoology has been Organizing Departmental Seminars,Guest lectures by inviting persons, Eminent in the field of Zoology.

 Sucession list of lecturers:

1.       Smt M. Sulochana

2.       Smt P.N. Padmavathi

3.       Smt Dr. M. Geetha Puspalatha

4.       Smt. K. Sesharatnam

5.       Sri. Jaya rao

6.       Smt.   Rajakumari

7.       Smt S.V Jayalaxmi

8.       Smt.K.Vijayakumari

9.       Smt.G.Umadevi

10.     Sri. M. Ratnadas

11.     Sri.K. Ramachadra Rao

12.     Sri. S.V. Subba Rao

13.     Sri. J. Subba Rao

14.     Sri. M. Veeraswamy

15.     Smt.V.Vasantha Devi

16.     Smt. V. Bharathi

17.     Kum. I.V. Lakshmi

18.     Sri. K.Paulson

19.      Sri.U.Satyanarayana

20.      smt.M.L.Vasantha kumari

21.      Smt.M.Satyavaralakshmi

The following lecturers of Zoology Department were promoted as Principals and posted to different places.

1.       Smt. K. Nirmala Rao

2.       Sri. K. Nageswara Rao

3.       Smt. P.V. Ramadevi

4.       Smt. Dr. M. Geetha Puspaltha

Two endowment prizes were instituted by two lecturers of zoology Department

1.            Smt. P.V. Rama Devi


                  I BSc(CBZ)

                  II BSc(CBZ)

                  III BSc(CBZ)